Our Program Offerings…
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Su-kor Inc. is an asset based community development (ABCD) program focused on strengthening, unifying and building the economic, cultural, education and social services of an urban community or neighborhood.
List of Stats:
56% of client households report monthly incomes of less than $1000.
1 in 7.5 people, or an estimated 755,400 people, in metro Atlanta and north Georgia turn to food pantries and meal service
The unemployment rate for those living in Metropolitan Atlanta is 4.8 %
Parents of 18.5 million children (38 percent) not currently participating in afterschool programs say they would enroll their children
An estimated 23% of families have poor or bad credit. (Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households, 2015)
22 million kids are eligible to attend 21st CCLC programs nationally, but funding allows for only 1.6 million to participate. (National Center for Education Statistics)